


2024秋季学期 巴塞罗那

本科留学 可用的会议

飞行信贷 获得价值高达 $1,000 when you apply with code* by September 12, 2024


通过独立研究项目研讨会与当地教师合作,制定与您的研究领域相关的研究问题和研究计划,充分利用主办城市和国家独特的人力和物力资源. Considered a High-Impact 教育al Practice (HIP), 本科海外研究项目是希望发展知识的学生的理想选择, 能力, and attitudes necessary for professional success and lifelong learning.


  • 概述
  • 地点:
  • 巴塞罗那
  • 日期:
  • 9/4/24 - 12/21/24
  • 价格:
  • $20,995
  • 学分:
  • 12 - 15
  • 最后期限
  • 申请:
  • 关闭
  • 撤销:
  • 6/14/24
  • 应用程序需求
  • 网上申请费$95
  • 完整的应用程序
  • 推荐信
  • 文字记录-非官方
  • 项目参与协议
  • 研究兴趣表格
  • 资格
  • 最低
  • 2.5
  • 教育
  • 1 year as a registered college student by the time of application
  • 外语水平:
  • 所有级别

Located on the Plaza Catalunya in the heart of the city, the CEA CAPA巴塞罗那中心 offers courses in a range of subjects, taught in English and Spanish. Learning takes place both in and out of the classroom, 教练充分利用巴塞罗那许多著名的景点和景点. 

当你宝博体育的时候 巴塞罗那,你可以选择 CEA CAPA住房 或者安排自己的独立住房. CEA CAPA住房 assignments are based on availability and confirmation date; we make every effort to match your 住房 requests, but we can’t guarantee 住房 preferences.


CEA’s undergraduate research program includes a personalized research opportunity, an 独立研究项目 course and additional courses.

The required 独立研究项目 (ISP) course is a variable credit course, 为您提供1-3个学期学分的灵活性,旨在帮助您充分利用国外研究. 您将在出发前的流程中确定最适合您的信用选项.

除了你的ISP课程, 您将从课程选择目录中选择1门CEA核心课程和2-4门额外的CEA课程. The ISP course meets 15-45 contact hours/1-3 credits, and elective courses meet for 45 contact hours/3 credits. 总的来说,你可以获得12-15个学分.

The ISP course will meet once weekly for 1 hour each session. Elective courses generally meet 2 times per week, Monday-Thursday. Active learning components required by your courses may be scheduled for Fridays.

学科 & 放置过程
您将被要求提交您的学术顾问或教师的推荐信,并填写一份研究兴趣表,这将用于您的研究安置的初步规划. 然后,我们将确定一位当地的教师,他将在制定研究计划和一系列与你的研究领域相关的研究问题方面提供监督和指导.  

In 巴塞罗那, the following academic disciplines are available:

  • 艺术历史
  • 业务
  • 加泰罗尼亚的文学
  • 沟通
  • 文化研究
  • 经济学
  • 电影研究
  • 金融
  • 历史
  • 国际关系
  • 新闻
  • 市场营销
  • 政治科学
  • 心理学
  • 社会学
  • 西班牙文学

一经录取,您将自动注册为独立研究项目课程. 出发前, you will select your preferred courses and take an online language placement exam. You will be enrolled into courses based on their availability. 在你离开之前,由于课程的可用性,你最好有多个由你的家乡学院或大学批准的替代课程. To ensure that you receive credit for the language level you place into, 我们要求您在前往西班牙之前让您的家庭学校预先批准几个级别的课程. 请咨询您所在机构的学术顾问,了解学分预批准指南.


The following courses have been confirmed for this term. 请注意, 主办机构保留取消或更改课程的权利,恕不另行通知.



走出去探索! 远足 are offered for most semester, year, and summer programs*. 学期学生通常有两到三次短途旅行,暑期学习学生通常有一到两次短途旅行. 你会收到一份旅行日程表 during 取向; here are a few day and overnight excursions we've offered in the past.

赫罗纳 & Besalu

赫罗纳 & Besalu

赫罗纳是西班牙最繁华、最迷人的城市之一. 探索不同文化的历史遗迹,这些文化影响了这座城市的各个时代, walk along the steep alleyways of the Jewish quarter, 参观众多艺术博物馆之一, and enjoy beautiful views of the Onyar River. Nearby Besalu is a stunning medieval town designated as a historical national property. You’ll travel in time just by wandering its streets.



As 西班牙’s capital and largest cosmopolitan city, lively 马德里 is known for its friendly locals and innovative art and culture. 参观普拉多博物馆, which houses Spanish and European paintings from the 12th to 18th century, and view modern art at the acclaimed Reina Sofia National Art Centre. Stroll around 马德里’s most famous arcaded square, the Plaza Mayor. Visit the Royal Palace and beautiful Park El Retiro. 马德里的文化多样性和世界闻名的艺术博物馆保证为每个人的口味提供一些东西.



探索著名的卡瓦(加泰罗尼亚香槟)的诞生地,同时探索葡萄园和pened酒厂的地下酒窖, 学习酿酒过程, 品尝葡萄酒. 以一顿典型的加泰罗尼亚午餐结束一天,在那里你可以尝试最喜欢的pa amb tomàquet.



在比利牛斯山脉的东北边缘, Vall de Boí is known for its scenic landscape and for its nine tiny Romanesque churches, designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 欣赏令人惊叹的建筑和绘画,然后在令人惊叹的艾格埃斯托尔特国家公园徒步旅行.



This budget contains costs that you can take to your financial aid office. 请注意 that amounts may fluctuate; we’ve included a range of costs.

联邦法律允许使用经济援助来支付留学的“合理”费用,包括往返交通费用, 项目的学杂费, 生活成本, 护照和签证费, 健康保险, 和更多的.

请注意,以下列出的所有费用和收费如有更改,恕不另行通知. With the exception of Program Price, all costs are estimates and may vary.



Below is a tentative itinerary for your program. 请注意, dates and events below may change without prior notification. 联系 CEA CAPA before purchasing airline tickets.

You will receive a finalized itinerary once you arrive onsite.

注:额外的文化活动/短途旅行或必修课程相关的活动可能会纳入您的最终行程. 在确定最后日期之前,建议不要安排个人旅行.


Receive a $1,000 飞行信贷 2024年9月12日前申请

Get your flight credit code and access to 存折 in two easy steps. 与存折, you can track your favorite programs and courses, 保存航班积分, and watch videos on the destination you're interested in.


步骤1 / 2

2 / 2步骤

*提供你的流动电话号码, 您同意定期收到来自CEA CAPA 教育 Abroad的短信,通知您重要的课程截止日期. 消息和数据速率可能适用.

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