


2024秋季学期 都柏林

爱尔兰梅努斯大学-直接注册 可用的会议

飞行信贷 获得价值高达 $1,000 在2024年9月12日之前使用代码*申请


位于爱尔兰唯一的大学城都柏林的边缘, 梅努斯大学是爱尔兰国立大学的一部分. 它以跨学科的学术方法提供广泛的课程选择, 以及包括爱尔兰和其他国际学生在内的多元化学生群体. Study abroad students have access to a diverse and flexible curriculum in a wide variety of departments, 包括艺术, 人文学科, 社会科学, 音乐, 科学, 和工程, 以及爱尔兰文化遗产项目.


  • 概述
  • 地点:
  • 都柏林
  • 日期:
  • 9/15/24 - 12/22/24
  • 价格:
  • $19,395
  • 学分:
  • 12 - 15
  • 最后期限
  • 申请:
  • 关闭
  • 撤销:
  • 5/21/24
  • 应用程序需求
  • 完整的应用程序
  • 文字记录-官方
  • 网上申请费$95
  • 项目参与协议
  • 资格
  • 外语水平:
  • 所有级别
  • 最低平均绩点:
  • 3.0
  • 教育完成:
  • 至少相当于大二第二学期的水平(强烈推荐)

研究 爱尔兰梅努斯大学爱尔兰最友好的大学. Choose from hundreds of courses from 人文学科, 社会科学, natural 科学s and STEM. Round out your study abroad experience and meet local Irish students by joining one of 150 clubs and associations available on campus.

当你宝博体育的时候 都柏林,您可以选择标准 CEA CAPA住房住在学生公寓或寄宿家庭,或安排自己的独立住房. Assignments are based on availability and confirmation date; we make every effort to match your 住房 requests, 但我们不能保证住房偏好.


报名参加最多5门课程或相当于30个ECTS学分, which translates to approximately 15 US credits (may vary depending on your school's policy). 联系 hours and meeting times vary; courses may be structured as seminars, lectures, or tutorials.

学术结构列出了可用学科领域的一小部分样本. 你可以进入介绍性课程, 各种学科领域的中级和高级课程.

See below for information how to access the 爱尔兰梅努斯大学 website to access a full list of courses.

Students pre-register for modules before the semester starts and officially register once on campus. It is in your best interest to have multiple alternative courses approved by your home university prior to your departure due to course availabilities. Please consult with your academic advisor at your home university on credit pre-approval guidelines.


主办院校过去开设过以下课程. 请注意 that course listings may not be finalized until the start of the term; we’ll post an updated list when the host institution finalizes its offerings.

*课程 with an asterisk indicate that the course has been associated with multiple subject areas.
Please click on the course title to view additional subject areas and detailed course information.


  • Irish institutions use different terms when discussing departments, majors, courses, etc. These will be important to know when reviewing the academic options on the program: Department = 教师; 课程/Class = Module
  • Students pre-register for modules before the semester starts and officially register once on campus. 
  • CEA CAPA recommend securing academic approval of 8-10 courses prior to departing for the program. 学生应修不超过30个ECTS学分(15个美国学分),即5个模块.
  • 点击这里进入梅努斯大学模块指南
  • 学生可以从三个不同的学院选择课程:艺术,凯尔特研究 & 哲学; 社会科学; and 科学 & 工程. 
  • After selecting a subject within one of those faculties, students can view the available modules. 
  • 注意学分的数量,以及该模块在哪个学期提供.
  • 单击模块名称将提供该模块的概述, 学习成果, 评估信息, 和更多的. 



走出去探索! 大多数学期、学年和夏季课程都提供短途旅行*. Semester students are typically offered between two to three excursions and summer study students are typically offered between one to two excursions. 你会收到一份旅行日程表 during 取向; here are a few day and overnight excursions we've offered in the past.



当一辆私人巴士带你和你的同学穿越爱尔兰时,放松一下, 从东到西, 去莫赫悬崖, 海岸线和岩石表面的壮观景色. 你将继续去戈尔韦, the country’s fourth largest city and considered by many to be the cultural capital of 爱尔兰. Enjoy the spectacular sunset over Galway Bay as you discover Galway’s charmingly narrow pedestrian streets. 第二天, 你将启程前往康涅马拉, 这里有着美丽而崎岖的风景,人们仍然说盖尔语. We’ll take a ferry to the Aran Islands, where you’ll experience a link with a time long passed. 探索敦昂古斯, 一座可以追溯到铁器时代的堡垒, 然后回到戈尔韦,在当地的酒吧里体验现场的传统音乐.



克里被称为“王国”是有充分理由的. 这里有爱尔兰最壮丽的景色, from the gorgeous Killarney National Park to the jaw-dropping beauty of the Dingle Peninsula, we’ll venture off the typical bus tour routes so you can experience these places in a unique fashion, such as an early morning horse ride through the park and a (gentle) bike ride to Muckross House and Abbey. 你将了解公园的动植物, 以及曾经居住在那里的克里酋长的生活. No introduction to 克里 would be complete without a visit to Fungi the Dolphin; local fishermen will take you out to sea to meet Dingle’s biggest celebrity and learn about his Atlantic home. Enjoy a tasty lunch under the canopy of trees at Torc Waterfall and mingle with locals while experiencing the nightlife of Killarney town. 克里之旅提供了一个美味的行动组合, 历史和自然一定会让你着迷.



在这一日游中, 私人巴士带你到威克洛郡和格兰达洛, 圣凯文在这里建立了一座古老的爱尔兰修道院. Explore this scenic setting in the Wicklow Mountains in a valley between two lakes (“Gleann da loch”) and take a tour of the site. This classic example of an Irish monastery dates back to a golden era when 爱尔兰 was referred to as the “island of saints and scholars.“在从海岸公路回都柏林的路上, 我们将在布雷停留, 爱尔兰最受欢迎的海滨度假胜地之一.



乘坐私人大巴向北前往北爱尔兰首府贝尔法斯特. 曾经被天主教徒和新教徒之间的“麻烦”所困扰, 自1998年耶稣受难日协议以来, 贝尔法斯特的商店与其他大城市一样熙熙攘攘, 酒吧, 还有充满生机和活力的餐厅. 作为对过去的回忆, we’ll visit “Loyalist” and “Republican” quarters of the city to view colorful murals that depict the bitterness of a divided community.



这个预算包含了你可以带到你的经济援助办公室的费用. 请注意 that amounts may fluctuate; we’ve included a range of costs.

Federal law allows the use of financial aid to cover “reasonable” costs of study abroad including round-trip transportation, 项目的学杂费, 生活成本, 护照和签证费, 健康保险, 和更多的.

请注意,以下列出的所有费用和收费如有更改,恕不另行通知. 除项目价格外,所有费用均为预估费用,可能会有所不同.



以下是您的计划的暂定日程安排. 请注意,以下日期及活动如有更改,恕不另行通知. 购买机票前请联系中国民航航空公司.


Note: Additional cultural activities/excursions or required course-related activities may be incorporated into your final itinerary. 在确定最后日期之前,建议不要安排个人旅行.



通过两个简单的步骤获取您的航班信用码并进入存折. 与存折, 你可以跟踪你最喜欢的节目和课程, 保存航班积分, 观看你感兴趣的目的地的视频.


步骤1 / 2

2 / 2步骤

*提供你的流动电话号码, you agree to receive recurring text messages from CEA CAPA 教育 Abroad notifying you of important program deadlines. 消息和数据速率可能适用.

隐私政策   |   移动方面   |   飞行信用规则

您的航班积分已添加到您的存折上. 现在申请或查看您的存折,开始您旅程的下一步.
