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by 佩奇的
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住房 阿利坎特 非常独特. 这个城市非常适合步行. Everything is centrally located, apart from the University of 阿利坎特. 在我这学期住过的公寓里 宝博体育在美国,我和另外两个女室友住在一起. There were two bedrooms and one bathroom; I shared a bedroom with one other roommate and my other roommate had a bedroom for herself. 该公寓位于一条步行街上, 旧金山大学, 也被称为蘑菇街. It’s known as the mushroom street because there are tall mushroom statues along with toad houses that are scattered throughout.  


Fatima, left, Paige (me), and Sophia, right, all shared an apartment on 旧金山大学.

Fatima and I share a bedroom while Sophia has a single room in the back. We all met each other for the first time when moving into the apartment.  


在公寓内, we had a big living room with two balconies overlooking the pedestrian street, 一个厨房, 更小的浴室, 还有一间餐厅. 厨房里有一台洗衣机,但没有烘干机. 不过,他们为我们提供了晾衣架和衣夹.



The washing machines are typically in the kitchen because there is no other place for them. 然后所有的公用设施都集中在一起. In 西班牙在美国,很少有烘干机与洗衣机配套使用. Everyone has drying racks, as pictured, or clothing lines out their windows. You'll walk around the city and see everyone who has their clothes on their balconies, drying. 



Our apartment came fully stocked with kitchen utensils, bed linens, towels, and Wi-Fi.


Sophia washing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen to prepare for the next day.

东航卡帕 gave us utensils in the kitchen along with leftover cleaning supplies that the previous students purchased. 

a small bathroom for study abroad students with a sink shower and toilet

This is our single bathroom in our apartment that we shared with three other students.

我们的浴室很紧凑,但很实用. 有足够的活动空间, 但它一次只能容纳一个人, 否则人们会撞到彼此. 

We were even blessed with a TV that had a few Spanish channels on it. One of our favorite things to do at night as roommates was to sit in the living room and watch a Spanish reality dating show.  


This is our common area where we spent most of our time hanging out and catching up throughout the day.

We liked to watch TV, play cards, nap, or just chat it up in the living room common area. We had two balconies that allowed us to get some airflow along with listening to the music and chatter from the sidewalk. 

One thing to note: not all apartments are equipped with elevators. 我的室友和我都经历了惨痛的教训. We’re on the third floor and had to carry our 50-pound suitcases up narrow staircases, 所以,当 宝博体育打包 because depending on where you live, you’ll probably have to carry it up a set or two of stairs.  


For reference, these are the staircases that led us up to our apartment.

The staircases are very narrow and steep, making it extremely difficult to carry heavy suitcases up. Most apartment buildings don’t have elevators, especially in the older buildings. There are lots of unique touches to the buildings in 阿利坎特, making them all so different.  


我们的公寓位于市中心, 我们离所有的商店都只有几步之遥, 餐厅, 酒吧/俱乐部, 甚至海滩. It takes about five minutes to walk to the beach from our apartment! 附近也有超市. The larger one, El Corte Inglés, is a five-minute walk where you can find anything you may need. There are smaller ones in the area that’ll carry the essentials within two minutes of the apartment as well.  

一条靠近海滩和棕榈树的木板路La Playa del Postiguet is roughly an eight minute walk from our apartment.

Along the beach, there are 餐厅 and bars to sit at that overlook the sea. 在海滩上,你会发现各种各样的活动正在进行. Chairs and umbrellas are for rent, and there’s plenty of space for just laying a towel down.  

Getting from point A to point B is extremely easy from 旧金山大学. 电车站离我们的公寓有八分钟的路程, 这就是我选择通勤去大学上课的方式吗. 住市中心, you’ll need to have a means of transportation as it takes 25-30 minutes on the tram to arrive on campus. 但, 一旦你上了电车, you don't have to switch lines and you can stay on the same one until you get off.  

Overall, I’m very blessed with my housing opportunity with 东航卡帕. It’s very beneficial being so extremely close to everything downtown, making it easier to explore and become immersed in the culture. 




佩奇的 is the Content Creator - Photographer in 阿利坎特, 西班牙, and is currently studying at St. 安布罗斯大学.
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